BISP Nashonuma Program 2024 بینظیر نشونما پروگرام: Transforming Lives, Register Now for a Brighter Future
BISP Nashonuma Program: Addressing Malnutrition in Pakistan
The right nutrition at the right time is essential for child’s health, survival, and development. Adequate nourishment not only fosters physical growth but also lays the foundation for cognitive development, enabling children to become active contributors to society. However, in Pakistan, malnutrition poses a significant challenge, with millions of children suffering from stunting, underweight, and wasting.
The first 1,000 days are an essential window of opportunity to address stunting prevention. BISP Nashonuma Program has designed a Condition Cash Transfer intervention to increase health uptake and nutrition services to its beneficiaries.
The Scale of the problem
According to UNICEF, nearly 10 million Pakistani children experience stunting, with inadequate maternal nutrition during pregnancy being a significant contributing factor. Moreover, deficiencies in essential nutrients like vitamin A, zinc, and vitamin D, alongside alarming rates of anemia, affect over half of children under five in the country. The prevalence of acute malnutrition leads to wasting, particularly alarming in several regions of Pakistan.
While pregnant and breastfeeding women are similarly undernutritioned. The government of Pakistan with the help of the World Food Organization has launched the BISP Nashonuma Program for the betterment of health and growth of children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
Benazir Nashonuma Program
Paksitan’s high rates of malnutrition (40.2% stunting, 28.9% underweight, and 17.7% wasting) are indicative of an ongoing child nutrition crisis. To fix this, the Pakistani government has taken a unique initiative. The goal is to ensure the country’s future – its children – get the care they need. The program provides mothers and their babies right food and support for a better future. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan understood that “A healthy mother means a healthy child”, so he decided to provide them with a Conditional Cash Transfer.
The current government has updated the original providence and decided to give:
- 2500 for pregnant women every quarter (3 months)
- 3000 (incl. 500 travel fee) for a baby girl every quarter (3-months)
- 2500 for a baby boy every quarter (3-months)

بینیظیر نشونما پروگرام 2024
پاکستان میں بچوں کی بلند درجہ کمزوری کی شرحیں (40.2٪ سٹنٹنگ، 28.9٪ نیچے وزن، اور 17.7٪ ضائع ہونا) بچوں کے غذائیتی بحران کی علامت ہیں۔ اسے حل کرنے کے لیے، پاکستانی حکومت نے ایک مخصوص اقدام اٹھایا ہے۔ مقصد یہ ہے کہ ملک کے مستقبل – یعنی اس کے بچے – وہ دیکھ بھال حاصل کریں جس کی انھیں ضرورت ہے۔ اس پروگرام نے ماں اور نوزادہ بچوں کے بہتر مستقبل کے لیے صحیح خوراک اور حمایت فراہم کی ہے۔ سابق وزیر اعظم عمران خان نے “ایک صحتمند ماں کا مطلب ایک صحتمند بچہ” کو سمجھا، اور اس لیے انہوں نے ماں اور بچوں کے لیے ایک مشروط نقد انتقال فراہم کیا۔ موجودہ حکومت نے اصل فراہمی کو اپ ڈیٹ کر کے فیصلہ کیا ہے:
- حاملہ خواتین کو ہر سہ ماہی 2500 روپے
- بیٹی ہونے کی صورت میں ہر سہ ماہی 3000 روپے (بشمول 500 کرایہ)
- بیٹا ہونے کی صورت میں ہر سہ ماہی 2500 روپے ملیں گے
BISP Nashonuma Program Eligibility.
To benefit from the Nashonuma program the woman must get registered under the Kafaalat Program and meet the below conditions.
1. Pregnant Woman or Breastfeeding Mother.
If you are a mom to be or just had a child this program is for you. Moreover, those women who are in their lactating (breastfeeding) period can also benefit from this program.
2. Babies & Toddlers.
If you have a child under 2 years old, they can also be part of the program.
The program aims to assist those truly in need of financial support for their children and women within the community.
BISP Nashonuma Program Registration Process
Registering for the BISP Nashonuma Program is easy. Here’s how you can avail yourself of this opportunity.
- Center established at District and Tehsil headquarters hospitals for registration in the program
- Please visit if you meet the above mentioned criteria.
- Bring the following documents for registration.
Documents required | دستاویزات |
Women’s Nadra Issued NIC. | خواتین کا نادرا جاری کردہ شناختی کارڈ |
Child’s Nadra Issued Form-B | بچے کا نادرا جاری کردہ ب فارم |
Immunization card of the child | بچے کا حفاظتی ٹیکوں کا کارڈ |

The BISP Nashonuma Program stands as a beacon of hope in the fight against malnutrition in Pakistan. By targeting pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years old the program addresses critical stages of early childhood development when proper nutrition is essential. Through conditional cash transfers and a focus on preventive measures such as pre-birth care and post-birth care, immunization, and nutrition education, the program empowers families to break the cycle of poor nutrition and build a healthier future for generations to come.
Registration is available at District and Tehsil Headquarters Hospitals. By simplifying access to support the program seeks to combat the child nutrition crisis effectively.