Prime Minister

Prime Minister Youth and Innovation in Pakistan

In a visionary move aimed at harnessing the potential of Pakistan’s vibrant youth, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif unveiled a series of groundbreaking initiatives on October 20, 2022. These initiatives are designed to empower the nation’s young population and provide them with the tools they need to succeed in various fields. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the government is committed to creating a more prosperous and progressive future for Pakistan.

Here is a closer look at the five remarkable programs launched by the Prime Minister:

1. Scholarships in world’s top 25 international Universities

  • Seventy-five scholarships for MS and PhD programs at the world’s top 25 international universities are being administered by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. This initiative entails the provision of 40 PhD scholarships and 35 MS scholarships, benefiting Pakistani and Azad Kashmir nationals.
  • These scholarships will enable students to study at some of the world’s top 25 universities, as ranked by the QS and Times Higher Education World Rankings.

2. 20,000 Internships for Engineers:

  • Aiming to provide practical experience to young engineering talents, this program will create 20,000 internship opportunities.
  • It will not only enhance the skill set of the youth but also bridge the gap between academia and industry.

3. 20 Under-Developed Districts Transformation Programme:

  • Focused on equitable development, this initiative seeks to uplift 20 underprivileged districts.
  • By improving infrastructure, healthcare, and education, these districts will become beacons of progress and prosperity.

4. 250 Mini Sports Complexes Initiatives:

  • Encouraging sports and fitness among the youth, this program will establish 250 mini sports complexes across the nation.
  • These facilities will promote a healthier lifestyle and identify sporting talents at the grassroots level.

5. Pakistan Innovation Fund:

  • This fund will foster innovation and entrepreneurship, providing financial support and mentorship to young innovators and startups.
  • It aims to create a culture of innovation, ensuring that Pakistan remains at the forefront of technological advancements.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Youth Empowerment

During the launch event, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif emphasized the pivotal role that young people play in society. He pledged the government’s unwavering commitment to expanding these initiatives to benefit the youth throughout the country. He highlighted that the increasing youth population is a tremendous opportunity for Pakistan, provided they are equipped with the right skills and a conducive environment.

Prime Minister Sharif stressed the importance of education as a powerful tool for personal and national development. He encouraged young people to promote tolerance and excel in their chosen fields. He reassured them that resources would follow when there’s a clear vision, commitment to their cause, and a passion for hard work.

Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, also expressed his dedication to ensuring that Pakistani youth receive the best possible opportunities to excel. He praised the Prime Minister for his landmark projects and reiterated the government’s commitment to prioritizing the development of the country’s youth.

In these transformative times, these initiatives are poised to shape a brighter future for Pakistan. They underscore the government’s commitment to nurturing the potential of its young population, ensuring that they not only succeed individually but also contribute to the nation’s growth and prosperity. It’s a testament to the belief that investing in youth today will yield dividends for Pakistan’s tomorrow.

By Admin

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