BISP new paymentBISP new payment

BISP Payment of September 2023

The Board of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has officially announced that the upcoming payment cycle is scheduled for release on September 10, 2023. As part of their financial planning for the fiscal year 2023-24, the BISP board has allocated a substantial budget of a record Rs. 471 billion, signifying their commitment to supporting vulnerable populations and social welfare initiatives in the coming year.

BISP has also opened registrations and extended a warm welcome to new members, specifically focusing on expanding its reach to include transgender and disabled individuals, thereby ensuring a more inclusive and diverse participation in the program.

Registration Process for New Individuals

The registration process for new individuals interested in joining BISP is straightforward. You can initiate your registration by either sending your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number to 8171 or by visiting a BISP Facility Center in your area. Once your request is received, a survey team will be dispatched to evaluate your eligibility for the program. If you meet the criteria after the survey, you will be enrolled in the program to receive the benefits and support provided by BISP.

Eligibility Criteria for BISP Payment.

BISP has set up specific rules to make sure that the help they give goes to the right people who truly need it. They made a clear plan for who can get help based on their situation. This way, they can be fair and make sure the help goes to those who really require it, making sure they use their resources wisely. This web address, is a portal where individuals can access information, apply for benefits, or access services related to the Benazir Income Support Programme in Pakistan. It’s a valuable resource for individuals seeking to engage with the program or inquire about their eligibility and benefits.

Some of the key factors that can affect your eligibility are as follows:

  1. PMT Score. The PMT (Proxy Means Test) poverty score is a method used by organizations and government agencies to estimate a household’s poverty level based on certain proxy indicators. Instead of directly measuring income or consumption, which can be challenging in many circumstances, the PMT uses observable characteristics and indicators associated with poverty to make an informed assessment.
  2. Transgender. If a person is transgender and has indicated their transgender status on their CNIC, they are automatically included in BISP without the need for a separate enrollment process
  3. Disabled. Being disabled also automatically makes you eligible for Benazir Income Support Programme but you must have disabled person CNIC to get the payment.

By Admin

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